Radical Readings 

By Syreeta

About Me- What’s this all about?
Feel like you need some guidance? Feel like you could use some reassurance about your current path? How about just interested in the metaphysical? Then seek out a Radical Reading! 

I believe we have a connection to realms beyond that we have often forgotten, or struggle to tap into that are always there to guide you, support you, and reassure you of their love for you! My job is help bridge that gap and act as the messenger to bring forth the messages your spirit team wants you to know, and remind you that you are NEVER on this path of life alone.

Mediumship Readings

Love never dies. When we die our energy and spirit doesn’t die, it simply changes. Our loved ones are always with us loving and supporting us whenever we need them, but man wouldn’t it be great to hear from them? That’s where I come in. I’m an evidential medium, meaning I can connect with those who have passed away, and can bring through specific evidence and messages that help you to know it is really is your loved ones. This can be incredibly healing, and helps you to know death is not the end. Readings can be done in person or via zoom, (yes your loved ones work through WiFi!). These tend to be an hour in length.

Tarot/Angel Card Readings

Using a method of guidance that goes back thousands of years, I use various types of tarot cards to help provide guidance and reassurance about your life now and any advice you have been seeking. I also use Angel oracle cards to provide more clear advice, and other spirit decks to enhance the reading to help you feel confident in what your angels want you to know. Your team spirit is always there for you whenever you ask for them! Readings generally are 30 min in length.

Custom Hand painted Wine Glasses

Not interested in a reading? That’s okay! Maybe your’e just a little sassy and love wine or maybe art? Maybe you’d love some wine art! I make custom wine glasses to meet all kinds of wants. Got an idea? Throw it my way! It makes drinking your wine so much more fun out of a colorful hand painted glass!

  •  3/15/2024 07:34 AM - 3/17/2024 07:34 AM
  •  3/9/2024 12:00 AM - 3/10/2024 05:00 PM
  •   Loveland, CO, USA

Come see me and many others do our thang at the Colorado Holistic Festival at the Ranch/Larimer County Fairgrounds in the 1st National Band Building- South Exhibition Hall!! Admission is $10 and you will see many different types of readers and vendors with interesting and fun goods! I hope to see you there!

  • Denver, CO, USA

Interested in setting up a reading? Having a party and want to have me there to provide fun readings to your guests? Looking for a custom painted glass? Email me and we can chat! I look forward to hearing from you <3